Expert Witness Enquiry
Medico-legal work is very interesting – and certainly a challenge, and an extension of your skills as a clinician. The reasons for joining our team on a self-employed basis are many, and include:
- Somek and Associates is a well known “brand” with an excellent reputation in the civil litigation arena
- Somek and Associates receives a high level of instructions (cases) on a regular, monthly basis – our associates are kept as busy as they want to be!
- We are equally instructed by Claimant and Defendant Solicitors ensuring the reality and the perception of independence, objectivity and credibility
- Opportunity to subscribe to the Somek and Associates Annual Training and Resource Package (which includes our prestigious Annual Conference with top class speakers including judges, barristers and others of key relevance to this field)
- Our experts are paid on a case by case basis excellent remuneration and payment terms
- Excellent administrative and IT support
- Regular Briefings to ensure our associates are kept up to date with the medico-legal environment
To find out more about these and the other benefits of joining our team, click here.