‘An excellent reputation...’


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We have a team of experienced midwives who report on breach of duty in relation to all aspects of midwifery practice, including care of mother through pregnancy, childbirth and care of the newborn infant. Our midwives are experienced in obstetric emergency situations including shoulder dystocia, and post partum haemorrhage. We are able to deal with specialist areas such as diabetes and obesity in pregnancy and cardiotocograph (CTG) interpretation.

Cases involving injuries to baby include shoulder dystocia (Erb’s palsy) and foetal distress (cerebral palsy) where both obstetric and midwifery opinions are typically required.

All our experts are fully trained in the role of the expert witness and the Civil Procedure Rules, as well as extended training to cover medico-legal report writing, experts’ meetings, answering part 35 questions and courtroom skills.

Liability experts are fully conversant with the necessary legal tests – Bolam, Bolitho and Montgomery, and other relevant tests for different jurisdictions. Quantum experts are cognisant of the principles of reasonable restitution.

All associates:

  • Have the necessary level of qualification and experience to act as an expert witness, and have passed a rigorous recruitment process
  • Are in current clinical practice
  • Are registered with their professional regulatory body (NMC, HCPC)
  • Have professional indemnity insurance
  • Are instructed equally by Claimants and Defendants

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