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Covid-19 update - Returning to Face to Face Assessments
On 18th May 2020, the Prime Minister announced revised lockdown restrictions which permitted those people who need to enter someone’s home to do their job, to do so. He made it clear however that the homes of those people who are shielding or clinically vulnerable should be avoided, unless it was an emergency.
As a consequence of this and with an appropriate level of caution, we are, now able to undertake face to face assessments in some quantum cases. The possibility of a face to face assessment is considered on a case by case basis, with reference to factors including but not limited to risk assessment, access to personal protective equipment and consent. Our experts have however been successfully undertaking comprehensive virtual assessments of many Claimants since lockdown commenced in March, and these continue to remain a very positive alternative to face to face assessments. We will consider all requests for assessment on the basis of risk versus benefit of a face to face as opposed to virtual assessment.
For more information please download our information sheet here or If you would like to discuss the possibility of a face to face assessment in respect of one of your current or potential cases or would like to understand more about our risk assessments and guidance, please do not hesitate to contact us at: admin@somek.com