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BSc (Hons) Midwifery Practice, Advanced Dip in Midwifery
I qualified as a registered midwife in 2007. I have worked both in inpatient and outpatient settings, providing care to women throughout the childbirth continuum. My particular area of interest and expertise is high risk antenatal and labour care, including high dependency. I have held a variety of roles including clinical midwifery, midwifery education, as well as senior management.
In my role as matron for inpatient maternity services, I had responsibility for inpatient antenatal care, inpatient postnatal care and high-risk labour care, which includes bereavement services and elective caesarean sections. In addition, I held operational responsibilities for these areas.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I authored and implemented care pathways for the maternity service. I am experienced in policy development and implementation in line with national guidance, as well as following lessons learned from incidents, coroners inquests and litigation. As a Labour Ward Co-ordinator previously, I have gained extensive experience in co-ordinating a high-risk, obstetric-led labour ward, supporting midwives with various levels of experience and working with the multi-disciplinary team in acute situations. I am proficient in CTG interpretation, perineal repair and IV cannulation/venepuncture. I have also held the post of Midwife Practice Educator, during which I delivered training in perineal repair, IV cannulation/venepuncture, administration of medicines (IV and non-IV) and obstetric emergencies.
I have extensive experience of people management, which includes capability management of clinical staff through the implementation of performance plans. This has also afforded me experience in instigating NMC referrals for Fitness to Practice and attending hearings as a witness.
In order to maintain clinical currency, I undertake regular clinical shifts as a Band 6 midwife via the staff bank, predominantly working on Labour Ward and Antenatal Ward. Through working in NHS commissioned services, I also have experience of working within termination of pregnancy services up to the legal limit. My experience extends to midwifery/nursing care for both medical and surgical abortions before and after termination of pregnancy, including aftercare.
I am a member of the faculty delivering PROMPT (Practical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training) both in the hospital setting to midwives, doctors and allied health professionals, as well as in the pre-hospital environment to frontline ambulance registered clinicians.
I have undertaken medico-legal training on the NHSR Early Notification Scheme. I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.