I fell into Occupational Therapy when I was at college. I had been working around my studies as a...
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BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy
Acquired & traumatic brain injury, neuro-degenerative & movement disorders such as ataxia.
I qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2013, and specialised in neurological conditions in 2014. I work with adults and young adults with a wide variety of neurological conditions such as acquired/traumatic brain injuries, including minimally conscious states, multiple sclerosis, neuro-degenerative disorders, cerebral palsy and movement disorders such as ataxia. I have gained extensive experience in a variety of settings with this client group such as emergency care, inpatients, community rehabilitation and outpatients within the NHS and private sector. I am also a member of the Royal College of Occupational Therapist (RCOT) specialist interest group in Neurology.
I am currently employed as a specialist occupational therapist working in the outpatient long term condition management specialist clinics for adults and young adults across the West Midlands with neurological conditions. The clinics are consultant-led with a strong emphasis on providing holistic assessments, interdisciplinary working, forming client centred goals and self-management when applicable. In addition to this role, I am also the team lead for the regional Young Adults Transitional Service which is a multi-disciplinary clinic that supports individuals with physical disabilities who are leaving children's services and going into adults services. Within my role I liaise with external agencies such as local authorities, ICB's (Integrated Care Boards), safeguarding teams and charities. I also refer clients to specialist services to meet their long term needs and goals.
My skill set includes, but is not limited to: 24-hour postural management, fatigue management, cognitive intervention, environmental assessment, equipment provision and upper limb management and rehabilitation. In addition to supporting patients with their goals around community access, personal care and domestic activities, my role has also involved Vocational Rehabilitation such as job retention and job re-direction.
Prior to this when I qualified in 2013, I undertook a rotational post in acute medicine, accident & emergency/rapid response, stroke rehabilitation, acute/hyper-acute stroke wards and older adult rehabilitation. In 2016, I moved to a neurological post and completed rotations in the: Birmingham Neuro Rehabilitation Team (BNRT) and the Inpatient Neurological Rehabilitation Unit at Mosely Hall Hospital, which is a level 1b specialist neurological rehabilitation unit. This post enabled me to develop skills to thoroughly assess and carry out treatment plans for individuals who had highly complex physical, cognitive and psycho-social needs as a result of their neurological diagnosis.
My various roles have enabled me to learn from the expertise and knowledge of my colleagues, clients and their families/carers. Working with clients with complex care needs I continuously develop my skills in problem solving, clinical reasoning and ensure that I undertake relevant training.
I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.