Pam Bagot
      • Pam Bagot
      • Chartered Physiotherapist
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      • 9 Chess Business Park
      • Moor Road
      • Chesham
      • Buckinghamshire
      • HP5 1SD
      • 01494 792711

Pam Bagot

Chartered Physiotherapist


BSc Physiotherapy, MSc Professional Health Studies


  • Neurological Conditions including Brain Injury,
  • Stroke,
  • Spinal Cord Injury,
  • Rehabilitation.


On qualifying as a physiotherapist from Queen's College, Glasgow (1992), I started junior rotations in the North Staffordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS. I soon moved to a senior rotational post within neurosciences and rehabilitation. During the years in this role, I gained skills in neurosurgery, neurology, complex and elderly rehabilitation. In 1996 I moved to New Zealand where I worked in a unit for spinal cord injuries and neurological/brain injury rehabilitation.

On returning to the United Kingdom in 1999, I was employed as a specialist working in an NHS stroke and neurology unit for 18 years. Subsequently, I have worked in a community stroke team and neurological out-patients (all in the same NHS combined acute, community trust). I have thrived on the new challenges of re-establishing patients into their changed lives. I have specialist practical skills (normal movement, PNF, movement science), alongside wheelchair use and specialist skills treating spinal cord injuries. I gained teaching qualifications that taught me to design and implement educational modules (for local universities) and practical clinical workshops using my physiotherapy skills. I have taught large numbers of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and care support workers, practical treatment and handling skills to enhance their clinical practice and handling of patients. 

I have worked at Harrogate and District Hospital (North Yorks) as a Principal Physiotherapist (8a) for the acute and community stroke teams: acute neurology inpatient and out-patient teams (PT and OT). I have been integral in setting up the acute stroke unit and the community stroke and neuro team, which were not in existence previously. Within this role I regularly undertake clinical work either in the stroke / neurological rehab unit, out-patients or community.

In 2013, I created my independent physiotherapy service and I treat clients in their own homes who come to me directly or as the treating therapist via case management.  As part of my independent work I have trained and presented workshops all over the country and as a guest lecturer at York St John University on the topics of Rehabilitation Principles, Facilitation, PNF and Managing the “Walking Wounded”.

I thrive on the complex challenges that clients present throughout their journey in my NHS and independent role. The specialist assessments, treatments and functional improvements that I facilitate in those with spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, progressive conditions (eg MS Parkinson’s), cerebral palsy and learning disabilities keep me driven as a physiotherapist.

I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.