I fell into Occupational Therapy when I was at college. I had been working around my studies as a...
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PGD Occupational Therapy, Provisional member of Expert Witness Institute
I have been practising as an Occupational Therapist (OT) since 2003, and have experience working in Adult Social Care, as an OT and a Safeguarding Adults Co-ordinator since 2012. I have also been practising as an independent OT since January 2018 and as a moving and handling trainer.
My independent assessment work has included private OT assessments, double handed care reviews for London Borough Councils, equipment and adaptations provision for private clients and borough councils. I have also provided moving and handling assessments for complex Continuing Healthcare clients and an assessment and support service for care homes with the aim of improving the quality of care. I have extensive experience of working with adults and older people with physical and cognitive difficulties in the fields of dementia and frailty, neurological degenerative conditions, acquired brain injuries and catastrophic injuries.
I am passionate about delivering high quality and evidence based moving and handling assessments and training. The moving and handling training I have facilitated has included the moving and handling of adults and children, this training has been provided to OTs, carers, hospice staff and teaching staff. The content of the moving and handling training I have facilitated is varied and consisted of induction to client handling, single-handed carer training, plus sized moving and handling, trained trainer courses, moving and handling risk assessment courses, bespoke courses for small care teams, OT moving and handling courses and advanced OT moving and handling.
I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.