I fell into Occupational Therapy when I was at college. I had been working around my studies as a...
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Dip Physiotherapy
I qualified as a chartered physiotherapist in 1983. Since graduating and during my junior rotations I developed an interest in acute trauma, musculo-skeletal injuries and orthopaedics. Currently, I specialise in the fields of musculo-skeletal disorders,orthopaedics, sports injuries and occupational health. My specialisms include acute trauma, orthopaedics, whiplash injuries, DSE and workplace risk assessments, manual handling injuries, acute and chronic spinal dysfunction along with other workplace Injuries.
I worked overseas from 1986 to 1988 in Australia and Hong Kong and gained an insight on working within diverse cultures and gaining experience in acute trauma, heart transplant unit, and orthopaedics. On my return to the UK I worked as a senior physiotherapist in an outpatient setting and progressed to be a physiotherapy manager as well as clinician at both a BMI and BUPA hospital from 1991 to 2005. I was responsible with the running of the department, mentoring staff and being a manual handling trainer for all staff. I was an active member of the Health and Safety Team.
My true interest is in the musculo-skeletal field working with people who have sustained trauma from accidents both in the public and workplace settings. In 2005 I became self employed and joined a private physiotherapy practice. I currently undertake a clinical caseload of both private and NHS patients.
I work as an extended scope practitioner, my main duties include:
• Comprehensive assessments
• Comprehensive report writing
• Recommendation for further investigations such as MRI scans
• Treatment of patients utilising my manual therapy and targeted exercise skills
From 2006 to 2022 I worked as an occupational physiotherapist in industry and in a retail distribution setting.
• I managed a clinical case load
• I undertook Workplace and DSE Assessments
• I was involved with Phased Return to work duties both amended and full working closely with both colleagues and Line managers.
I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.