Christine Rumley

Christine Rumley

Occupational Therapist




Adult Physical Disabilities, Assistive Equipment, Housing Adaptations & Manual Handling


I qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 1992 from University College of Ripon & York St John. My expertise is in assessing the needs of adults with physical disabilities and providing recommendations on adapting their home environment, rehabilitation, or utilising equipment to optimise their daily living activities. I have specialised in this clinical area for many years and have worked in the NHS, in Local Authority and in private practice. I provide creative and bespoke solutions to enable people to remain in their own homes and maximise their potential.

I have extensive knowledge in carrying out functional assessments for people with a wide range of medical conditions and /or complex moving and handling needs. This includes, but is not limited to, clients who have arthritis, catastrophic injury, surgical procedures, lung disorders, orthopaedic and neurological conditions. I am experienced in recommending support packages, where required. I also have a special interest in moving and handling people and I provide training to care homes and care providers. 

My diverse career has been in both inpatient and community-based environments; as an employee and self-employed. I have worked for the NHS, Local Authority, locum agencies, charitable organisations such as SSAFA and Sue Ryder and the private sector including BUPA and The OT Practice. My work as an Occupational Therapist is currently part-time in private practice and part-time as a locum OT. 

In-depth holistic assessment and interventions are a requirement of my work to optimise potential and promote well-being in every area of a person’s life. My client centred interventions include recommending aids to daily living, advice on adaptive techniques to promote independence, falls prevention, moving & handling risk assessments and plans to reduce the risk of injury, hospital discharge planning, rehabilitation and recommending housing adaptations to access facilities within the home. 

I have excellent written and verbal communication which enables me to liaise effectively with others. I consider it important to maintain therapeutic relationships with clients and their families/care providers and establish good working relationships with other professionals to achieve the best outcome for the client.

I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.