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BSc (Hons) Midwifery
Experienced labour & delivery suite midwife including pre-term labour from 21 weeks.
I am a Band 7 Labour Ward Coordinator, a role I have held since 2016, having extended my Diploma in Adult Nursing (1998) and qualifying as a Registered Midwife BSc (Hons) in 2001. The Nursing part of my NMC registration has now lapsed due to exclusively working as a midwife. My progressive post registration midwifery career has been focused on providing care on the labour and delivery suite, where I have exclusively worked for the last 20 years, with a short 12 month period of a dual role in the community and labour ward. In my current role, I work in a large maternity hospital, which provides care for 5,000- 6000 births per year to a multi-ethnic, diverse cohort of women. The unit has both a high-risk Consultant-led delivery suite and an alongside midwifery led unit. As a coordinator I oversee and provide care on both areas. As well as having direct responsibility for the labour ward, out of hours, I also have the over-arching responsibility of the maternity unit, ensuring the safety of both women and staff.
I have vast experience, both as a care giver and coordinator, across all aspects of labour care including induction of labour, caesarean sections, instrumental deliveries and all obstetric emergencies. As well as intrapartum care, we also give red flag antenatal care and see all postnatal readmissions in the puerperal period. My role involves identifying and managing escalating situations, initiating life saving care in emergencies and prioritising care management, by involving the most appropriate obstetric or multi-disciplinary team members as required. The maternity unit in which I work is a tertiary centre for neonatology and therefore I have experience of caring for women from 21 weeks onwards with threatened/advancing preterm labour, obstetric/foetal and medical complications. I have completed the ATTAIN and PERIPrem passport and NEWTT2 training. I provide care for women that have suffered foetal loss or are undergoing medical termination of pregnancy for abnormality. I give bereavement support and care before, during and after the delivery. I am also qualified to consent for post mortem examinations.
As a coordinator I oversee a team of midwives ranging from newly qualified to the very experienced on an advisory and practical level. Working collaboratively with the Obstetric team is essential aspect of my role. I have specific responsibility for the hospital based learning of student midwives, paramedics and medical students as well as being a preceptor for new starters to the Trust. I have been a trainer on PROMPT (Practical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training) and am up to date on all mandatory training, both internal and external. I have attended the foetal monitoring masterclass, up to date with K2 foetal monitoring training and trained in the Dawes Redman computerised analysis of CTG interpretation.
I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules pertaining to Expert Witnesses.