Carl Armstrong
      • Carl Armstrong
      • Registered Nurse
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      • 9 Chess Business Park
      • Moor Road
      • Chesham
      • Buckinghamshire
      • HP5 1SD
      • 01494 792711

Carl Armstrong

Registered Nurse


BN (Hons), MSc Advanced Clinical Practice


ANP (GP surgery & A&E), also undertakes musculoskeletal soft tissue & joint injections


I am a registered general nurse with an Honours Bachelor of Nursing and a Master of Science in Advanced Clinical Practice from the University of Liverpool. I currently work as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) in a busy GP surgery.
Prior to this, I have extensive experience as an ANP in Acute and Emergency Medicine and worked jointly across Emergency Medicine and Primary care for several years before moving full-time into General Practice. I also have senior nursing experience in Accident and Emergency, Minor Injuries, and Out of Hours Hospital Care.
As an ANP in primary care, I independently assess, examine, diagnose, and plan treatments for patients of all ages with undifferentiated medical problems, including acute illness or injury, and chronic disease. This includes onwards referral to specialists when appropriate.  I am an independent prescriber, have completed relevant training in clinical skills and diagnostics and am diligent in maintaining my continued professional development. 
I am IRMER-trained and independently order and interpret investigations, including X-rays, Ultrasound, CT, MRI, and echocardiograms - interpreting results in the clinical context of patients' presentations. I also have extensive experience in ordering and interpreting investigations including blood and pathology tests. 
I support a multidisciplinary clinical team, including Paramedics and Practice Nurses, providing clinical advice and guidance on management of acute illness, and chronic disease reviews and management. I support a team of practice nurses in providing a practice-based treatment room service for wound management. I am trained in minor skin surgery and provide a nurse led minor skin surgery clinic, assessing, and removing skin lesions including removal of cysts, moles, and benign skin lesions for further assessment and treatment. 
I often work in the “On call / Duty” role as the main clinician for my large, busy GP Practice, including supporting clinical and non-clinical staff. 
I also provide clinical support and advice to Nursing and Residential Care Homes for acute illness, chronic disease management, and palliative and end-of-life care. This includes end of life nursing advice, prescribing support and making clinical decisions on ‘DNACPR (Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)’ and ‘Ceiling of Care’ plans. 
In addition to my daily role as an ANP, I am the clinical lead for learning disabilities, responsible for undertaking annual health checks and leading initiatives to improve access to GP services for these patients. This often involves complex care, including complex medication reviews, shared decision-making with multidisciplinary teams, capacity assessments, and safeguarding considerations.
I have a special interest in musculoskeletal medicine and men's health, and I undertake intraarticular and soft tissue corticosteroid injections for tendinopathies and arthritic conditions. I have recently undertaken a leadership program through the National Association of Primary Care (NAPC) and implemented a project to facilitate direct access to PSA testing for high-risk prostate cancer patients.
I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.