I fell into Occupational Therapy when I was at college. I had been working around my studies as a...
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Dip in Cardiovascular Disease, Dip in Women's Health, Dip in Infectious Diseases, RGN
I qualified as a Registered Nurse in 1981 and started my career working on an acute medical ward. I then worked and studied at an infectious disease unit and undertook a Diploma in this area before becoming a staff nurse for the radiology department. Whilst raising my family I worked as an agency nurse on a variety of medical and surgical hospital wards prior to returning to regular nursing in 2000. From 2000 until 2010 I worked as a staff nurse in the Spire Hospital in Hastings, gaining experience of the private sector. I also was employed at the Conquest Hospital cardiology department between 2003 and 2005 where I developed my skills in cardiology. In 2007 I moved both into general practice as a practice nurse for three days a week along with school nursing in a boarding school. I stopped school nursing in 2013, and now work only in general practice, four days a week.
As a practice nurse, my main responsibilities are setting up and running chronic disease clinics for regular patient monitoring in asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease and diabetes management. I have a special interest in lipid (cholesterol) management. I advise on contraception, undertake cervical cytology and sexual health management. I run a childhood vaccination clinic and see babies and children of all ages. Phlebotomy, ear syringing and administering and interpreting electrocardiograms are all part of my daily clinic lists. I triage minor injuries on a regular basis and am confident in treating minor wounds and recognising when patients need referring to the local hospital for further treatment. I assess and treat patients of all ages with minor illnesses. In addition, I treat and dress both chronic and post-operative wounds, and remove sutures and clips. My other responsibilities include the administration of a variety of prescribed and travel vaccinations, implementing yearly influenza clinics, giving general health education including lifestyle advice, well person clinics and weight management. I work with a GP who undertakes minor surgery in house. I assist with these procedures and have developed a knowledge of skin conditions and the early detection of skin cancers from this experience.
I am a student nurse assessor and supervisor, and provide tuition to medical students who are placed within our surgery.
I have recently had experience of doing ward rounds in a local nursing home. My role was to assess and diagnose medical problems that arose in that environment. This role encompassed physical assessment and examinations, which I now do on a daily basis in primary care, delegated by the GPs, as my role has become more extended in general practice. I have considerable experience in delivering the Covid vaccination programme in my locality.
I became a Justice of the Peace in 1990. I have worked largely in adult criminal courts, but I also have experience on the Family Panel too. I qualified as a chairperson in 1998. I am familiar with the court environment, and often consider expert witness reports with relation to cases that I sit on. I have been a magistrate appraiser and have sat on the selection panel for new magistrates.
I accept instructions from both Claimant and Defendant Solicitors and Insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to Expert Witnesses.