I fell into Occupational Therapy when I was at college. I had been working around my studies as a...
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BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy
I qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2008 and was employed as a senior OT for a large local authority for 8 years. This involved assessing clients with complex physical disabilities for specialist equipment and major housing adaptations. My role also included supporting the social workers with assessments for appropriate care packages, which included clients with complex spinal injuries and neurological disorders.
My current role is as a Team Manager for a large local authority I am responsible for the management of the disabled facilities grant for complex adults and children. During this role I frequently review complex individuals in their own home to ensure the proposed adaptation and specialist equipment will meet their needs and ensure they are able to continue living in their own home.
In my previous capacity as an associate senior rehabilitation occupational therapist, I completed initial needs assessments on a joint or single instruction basis and provide rehabilitation for clients who have sustained severe and complex orthopaedic injuries and mild to severe brain injuries. Additionally I was able to co-ordinate the needs of the clients to ensure a multi-disciplinary approach, particularly with clients who have experienced a traumatic event leading to traumatic brain injury and/or orthopaedic injuries.
I adopt a personalised approach to my work and identify the realistic goals and needs of my clients. This enables me to develop bespoke programmes to aid their rehabilitation, for example; pain and fatigue management programmes. I am very familiar with all standardised assessment tools carried out by OTs, physiotherapists and psychologists. By being able to build a good rapport with my clients I am able to support them with their personal goals like returning to work or accessing leisure pursuits. Other aspects of my role include development of care plans, identifying complex and simple equipment and undergoing cognitive rehabilitation.
I have also worked as a specialist learning disability OT in a social services team. My duties included assessment and recommendations for care and equipment for clients with profound multiple learning disabilities. In addition to this I am very familiar with complex care packages and ensuring clients with complex and profound learning disabilities are assessed for the correct level of support and care.
In addition, I have gained experience as a specialist advisor to the CQC and have been involved in several large inspections. This has highlighted to me the importance of best practice and clinical governance. Other employment history experience includes working in a community neuro team and providing rehabilitation for clients with complex neurological conditions such as acute stroke and multiple sclerosis.
I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.