I fell into Occupational Therapy when I was at college. I had been working around my studies as a...
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BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy, MSc Physiotherapy
Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner, musculoskeletal, rheumatology, corticosteroid injection
I qualified as a chartered Physiotherapist in 2014, specialising in musculoskeletal (MSK) practice early on in my career and have worked as an Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner since 2020. The multifaceted nature of my work has provided me considerable experience in the fields of orthopaedics, including spines, upper and lower limbs, as well as rheumatology, chronic pain and rehabilitation. I also hold considerable experience in First Contact Physiotherapy practice.
I currently work in an assessment and triage role and am responsible for organising various diagnostic tests including imaging, neurophysiological studies and blood tests, alongside treatments and subsequent referral to appropriate services. I work alongside various health professionals, including but not limited to, other Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Orthopaedic Consultants, Radiologists, and GPs. As such, I am strongly aware of identifying matters beyond my scope of practice and deferring to the expertise of my colleagues.
Due to the diagnostic nature of my role concerning complex conditions, I am regularly involved in peer supervision with colleagues in ‘lessons learned’ events, identifying errors that may have led to delayed or misdiagnosis for patients. I am also involved in weekly supervision sessions with my Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner colleagues to discuss complex cases and continuously develop my clinical standards.
I am a qualified injection therapist and have been delivering corticosteroid injections for numerous MSK conditions over the years. Additionally, I will refer patients directly to Radiology departments for guided injections for more complex injection considerations.
I lead several clinical pathways for colleagues in my department, in areas including cervical myelopathy, fibromyalgia, bone health and fragility fractures. I also hold considerable experience in the development of cauda equina and myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome pathways previously.
Additionally, I am a ‘research champion’ within my trust in which I hold responsibility for the training and promotion of research within my MSK CATs team. This role allows me to diligently uphold my department’s standards of practise in line with national guidance and evidence-based literature.
I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.