I fell into Occupational Therapy when I was at college. I had been working around my studies as a...
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BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy, Best Interest Assessor, Practice Educator
Orthopaedics, Chronic Pain, Learning Disabilities, Housing
I am a dedicated and highly skilled Occupational Therapist with a wealth of experience and a passion for making a difference. I qualified in 2013 and have worked in a range of both physical and mental health settings.
In my current role I undertake assessments for adaptations, equipment and mobility clinics. I assess clients with a wide range of conditions including, but not limited to, orthopaedic conditions such as osteoarthritis requiring joint replacements, respiratory conditions including pulmonary fibrosis, COPD, emphysema and cardiovascular conditions such as TIA/stroke, heart failure and hypertension. I assess those with neurological conditions including those who have epilepsy, MND, MS and spinal conditions but also cases of dementia, Parkinson’s and conditions resulting in chronic pain and fatigue such as fibromyalgia. Furthermore I see clients who have undergone various cancer treatments and may have other conditions such as chronic kidney disease, obesity and diabetes. I undertake hidden disability and learning disability assessments as part of the mobility clinics, which requires me to have an understanding of the impact of various mental health issues on functioning and daily living. I am required to undertake both in-person and remote assessments to identify what restrictions an individual’s health condition has on their function. This role also requires me to review documentary evidence to support an individuals' eligibility for concessionary travel passes.
I have significant experience in manual handling/single handed care, falls prevention, housing adaptations, adaptive equipment and seating prescriptions. I led moving and handling training for several years and also undertook training to become a best interests assessor. My previous experience in learning disability services honed my ability to deliver person centred care, assessing and implementing independent living skills, working with those with conditions such as cerebral palsy, down syndrome and those with profound and multiple learning disabilities as part of an MDT.
I am also a parent of a child with complex health needs (24 hour mechanical ventilation via a tracheostomy) which requires management of a personal health budget / direct payment package employing 11 staff. I live with the life changing effects that long term conditions have on daily life. These include accessing care, school, holidays and oxygen abroad. My personal and clinical experience has given me an in-depth understanding of complex care needs.
I am trained as a Makaton tutor which has further expanded my communication skills by learning a new language.
I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.