Rachael Hine
      • Rachael Hine
      • Registered Nurse
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      • 9 Chess Business Park
      • Moor Road
      • Chesham
      • Buckinghamshire
      • HP5 1SD
      • 01494 792711

Rachael Hine

Registered Nurse


Bachelor of Nursing (Hons), MSc Advanced Clinical Practice


Advanced Nurse Practitioner in GP surgery. Non medical prescriber.


I obtained my Bachelor of Nursing (Hons) degree from The University of Manchester in 2006 and, having developed a keen interest in community nursing and primary care during my training, I was able to secure a job as a community nurse in a district nursing team.  During my time as a community nurse, I developed considerable experience providing wound care interventions and caring for housebound patients.  I also gained a mentorship qualification and provided mentorship to students in practice. 

In 2014 I joined general practice as a practice nurse and developed a breadth of experience working with patients with chronic diseases, providing vaccinations to adults, children and babies and undertaking family planning services.  During this time, I also trained in minor illness management and telephone triage and went on to provide daily telephone triage clinics for the practice.  As these skills progressed, I was keen to undertake further training in order to practice more autonomously, I therefore obtained a Master’s degree in Advanced Clinical Practice, which also included the Non-Medical Prescribing (NMP) qualification. As an advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) in general practice, I autonomously assess, diagnose and treat patients from age twelve months upwards, and I have a particular interest in women's health and dermatology. 

I currently work as part of a team of experienced advanced nurse practitioners in general practice, and this provides an excellent environment for weekly clinical supervision meetings with our team leader GP. These meetings provide a forum for training, best practice-sharing, reflection and significant event analysis and this enhances my practice and provides internal benchmarking for the advanced nurse practitioner role. As part of my responsibilities, I undertake weekly visits to a local residential home where I provide medical treatment and support staff in their delivery of holistic care to the residents who have a range of physical and mental health needs.  I am also the lead ANP in a practice-based research team and I have undertaken the National Institute for Health and Care Research Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training which enables clinicians to undertake clinical research initiatives within the practice.

I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.