Nancy  Flood

Nancy Flood

Registered Midwife


BSc (Hons) Midwifery, Examination of the Newborn, Mentorship


  • Midwife Led Care
  • Episiotomy & Perineal Repair
  • Obstetric Emergencies
  • CTGs
  • ENS cases


I qualified as a midwife from the University of Salford in 2009 and initially worked as a community and hospital based midwife in Salford and Manchester. Since qualifying I have developed advanced skills across all areas of midwifery.

I have previously worked as a Band 7 Governance Midwife, a role involving reviewing clinical incidents, clinical audit and taking a lead role in developing guidelines . During this time I was also the departmental lead for ATAIN (Avoiding Term Admissions into Neonatal Units). Prior to this I worked as a Band 7 Bleepholder. This role involved having operational oversight of the unit including capacity management, patient experience and out of hours quality assurance, safe staffing, major incident emergency response, infection prevention and control assurance, patient pathway navigation, and most importantly I was the senior midwife on site providing support for all staff members and clinical areas within the unit. I currently work as a bank midwife and rotate between triage, daycare, antenatal ward, birth centre, labour ward and postnatal ward on a regular basis. I have an excellent clinical skill set in intrapartum care across both high and low risk settings.

During my career I have developed advanced skills in high dependency care, foetal heart monitoring, theatre, epidural care, newborn life support, newborn infant physical examination, advanced perineal repair, Birmingham Symptom Specific Obstetric Triage System (BSOTS) and IV cannulation/phlebotomy/drugs. In 2023 I attended a two-day Baby Lifeline course in CTG interpretation to further enhance my CTG interpretation skills. I have devised and delivered training on obstetric emergencies in the community, water birth and labour care in a midwifery led unit. I also have extensive experience of perineal assessment and repair and have delivered training to newly qualified midwives in this skill. I lead improvements in clinical practice and education through sharing learning from serious incidents and reporting systems. I have experience of devising, conducting and presenting audits. In addition, I have been instrumental in the development and delivery of pathways for women who are considering their options following a caesarean birth and was a co-founder of the home birth steering group, providing advice and support to clinicians and women planning a home birth.

Prior to becoming a Maternity Bleepholder, I worked as a community midwife for the Trust for 4 years, as a core midwife on the Birth Centre for 4 years, and core midwife on maternity triage for 2 years. This involved ante-natal, intrapartum (including home births and water births) and post-natal care. As a community midwife I was the main care provider for women from booking the pregnancy to discharge at 28 days post natal.

Recently, I have undertaken medico-legal training on the NHSR Early Notification Scheme and I am in a position to assist with casework of this nature. I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.