I fell into Occupational Therapy when I was at college. I had been working around my studies as a...
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BSc (Hons) Pre-registration Midwifery, Full member of the Expert Witness Institute (EWI)
Community & Hospital Midwifery, includes Midwife-Led Units & Home Births. ENS Cases.
I qualified as a midwife in 2009. During my career, I have developed a wide range of experience across all areas of midwifery care, including obstetric units, stand-alone midwife led units, and in the community. In addition, I completed my mentorship course for signing off student midwives in 2013, my newborn infant physical examination course in 2018, and my independent non-medical prescribing in 2022.
My current position is antenatal clinic lead midwife and I also work clinically in community and in the maternity unit on labour ward, birth centre, ante/postnatal ward, triage/DAU and telephone triage.
Between 2009-2012 I worked in large maternity units within inpatient areas.
Between 2012-2021 I worked in the community, where I worked clinically and managed community services. My clinical community work included caring for women in their antenatal and postnatal journeys and being on call for the free standing midwife led unit and for home births.
During 2021-2022 I worked on a quality improvement project which involved developing our telephone triage service across the county.
I have also previously worked in an interim lead risk midwife position. In this role I was responsible for co-ordinating clinical risk and governance across maternity, as well as assisting in the implementation of care bundles such as Saving Babies’ Lives, developing guidelines, completing audits, and teaching non-obstetric staff who care for pregnant women and assisting with Coroner’s cases and HSIB investigations.
Between 2022-2023 I worked in a transformation midwife position within maternity whilst working clinically on labour ward, in obstetric theatres, maternity triage/day assessment unit, telephone triage, caring for antenatal and postnatal inpatients and holding a caseload in the community.
As of May 2024 I have started working as an associate trainer for Somek & Associates alongside my NHS role.
I have undertaken medico-legal training on the NHSR Early Notification Scheme and I am in a position to assist with casework of this nature.
I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.