Emma Barnes
      • Emma Barnes
      • Occupational Therapist
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      • 9 Chess Business Park
      • Moor Road
      • Chesham
      • Buckinghamshire
      • HP5 1SD
      • 01494 792711

Emma Barnes

Occupational Therapist


BSc Occupational Therapy, PG Cert Brain Injury Rehabilitation, MSc Occupational Therapy


Neurorehabilitation, Vocational Rehabilitation and Major Trauma Injuries


I am an experienced and dynamic occupational therapist with over 20 years of clinical experience. Most of my clinical experience has focused on neurorehabilitation including brain injuries; stroke; progressive neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease; and functional neurological disorder. I am confident in the assessment and rehabilitation of a patient's physical, cognitive, psychological, behavioural and social limitations.  I have considerable experience working with patients at all stages of their rehabilitation journey, from the hyperacute stages to the transition from hospital to home, reintegrating into daily life and returning to work.
In my current role, I am the clinical lead occupational therapist for NHS Lothian’s specialist rehabilitation service. This encompasses an inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation unit focusing on neurorehabilitation including brain injuries; stroke, functional neurological disorder and progressive neurological conditions; amputees and orthopaedic cases. My clinical practice is imbedded in ongoing learning and development and I have completed a post graduate certificate in Brain Injury Rehabilitation.

Additionally, I manage NHS Lothian’s vocational rehabilitation service and latterly this has been an area of clinical focus for my development. While undertaking an MSc in Occupational Therapy my research focus was on the occupational therapist’s role in health at work. I am responsible for the ongoing leadership and development of occupational therapy intervention across these services and provide training, mentorship and support to the occupational therapists in my team and more broadly across NHS Lothian.

I am confident communicating with a wide range of people, including complex and contentious information. I regularly present information, lead meetings and facilitate development sessions demonstrating strength in this area. One of the focusses of undertaking further academic learning was to develop critical writing skills. The ability to manage time effectively and efficiently is also key; I consistently meet project deadlines through effective time management, ensuring on-time delivery and client satisfaction.

I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.