‘An excellent reputation...’

Expert Witness


Physiotherapists are required to provide reports on breach of duty, quantum (damages awards) and fitness to practice.

In respect of alleged breach of duty and fitness to practice you would be required to review the evidentiary documentation and provide your opinion using the relevant standards of care and legal tests as applicable.

Expert physiotherapists are essential in higher value claims where mobility and physical function are significantly impaired. The writing of a quantum report will require you to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the injured person and to write a report detailing your findings, your opinion as to functional prognosis and recommendations in respect of physiotherapy and related components (such as equipment and therapies).

We are wanting to recruit experienced physiotherapists on a self-employed basis across the range of specialities but are particularly looking for physiotherapists with the following experience:

  • Paediatrics (cerebral palsy and Erb’s palsy in particular)
  • Spinal injuries
  • Brain injuries
  • Trauma & orthopaedics
  • Amputation

For more information on becoming a physiotherapy expertclick here.